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Capital: Sacremento

california histoy

california has great history. more than 20,000 years ago people lived on what we now call California. many native american tribes lived on this land, like the pomo and the miwak tribes. after a while, mexico became in control of california. but not for long, because america fought mexico in the mexican-american war. america won this war and got the land that is california back. then in 1849, gold was struck and inspired 100,000 people to come for gold. one year later, in 1850, california became a state. that is california's history.


state facts


fact 1:more turkeys are 

raised in california than 

any other state.

fact 2: california is the birthplace of the internet.

fact 3:the biggest tree by volume in the world is in california.

fact 4: more movies are filmed in california than any other state.

fact 5: california's death valley is north america's hottest desert.

fact 6: california is the avocado capital of the world.

fact 7: california has a bigger population than canada.

fact 8: one out of every four people who live in california are not from the usa.

fact 9:in san francisco its illegal to have anything else than a car in your garage.

fact 10:there are several places in california where there is no gravity.

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